Two Aussie blokes riding their BMW R1150GSs from Australia to Europe

Melbourne to Sydney – 1351kms

Well, it was an eventful start to the trip – I took a phone call from a police officer on the way to bike up my bike from the bar we’d had drinks the night before

“Mr. Ashton?”


“This is constable Stevens, are you the owner of a black BMW motorcycle?”

I don’t think my heart has ever sunk so fast so quickly, but it turned out to be a complaint from the cafe owner that I’d parked the bike where they wanted to setup their tables and chairs, and that was easily fixed!

It was a properly miserable day when we left – there were no long goodbyes of photo shoots as everybody was getting too wet. But the weather changed as we headed over the Yarra Ranges and it was set to stay like that for the rest of our trip to Sydney.

We’ll be in Sydney until Friday, spending some quality time with our wives, and doing a little more tinkering with the bikes before we head up to Brisbane where the bikes will be crated to fly!


  1. Valentin-Norbert Tarus

    A good start Blokes! Keep ahead!

  2. Tex .O'Borne

    Hi i spoke to you blokes at the servo in mertelford we were the fat hairy blokes on old electraglides good luck and wish i was comeing you may need some one to tow the beemers, only jokeing’ have fun.

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